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If you suspect that a vulnerable adult is being abused, or if you have become the victim of abuse, it's important to report it.

Help for someone being abused or neglected

People who are most vulnerable are sometimes unable to protect themselves. 

You should talk to someone you trust if:

  • You are concerned that someone you know is being abused

  • You look after someone and at times feel close to hurting that person

  • You are being abused

You may be concerned because a vulnerable adult has told you something or you have overheard or witnessed something that has made you feel uncomfortable. You may be being abused and need help to stop it.


Abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual, financial or a combination of these.  Being neglected by those who are responsible for caring for you is also a form of abuse.  Any behaviour that is repeated and makes you feel uncomfortable, frightened or intimidated can be abuse.  It may be a partner, family member or a care worker, and it can happen anywhere - at home or in a care facility.  


'Cuckooing' is a form of crime in which drug dealers take over the home of a vulnerable person in order to use it as a base for drug dealing. Criminal gangs are targeting the homes of vulnerable people and victims are often left with little or no choice but to cooperate. If you suspect somebody is a victim of cuckooing, please contact the Police on 101 or email


Hate crime is a criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by the offender's hate against people because of their gender, race, religion, disability age or sexual orientation. A victim of hate crime does not have to be either a member of a minority group or someone who is for some reason considered vulnerable.

How to report abuse

If you are in immediate danger, phone 999 or get someone else to phone.  Move to a safe place if you can.

You can also contact your local adult social services on  (01226) 775656 to report abuse or email us at

A link to Safeguarding Adults Barnsley is provided at the bottom of the page if you would like find out more.

If your concerns are about a crime contact South Yorkshire Police on 101 (this is a non-emergency number)


Safeguarding: Amenities

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